Liam Raper is creating

In this page you will find links to the tools and projects Liam has worked on and other things he is involved in that are outside his day job's work.

Script and say is a text to speech tool that helps with the creation of SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) it is a JavaScript application that allows for easy creation of scripts. The application allows you to create scripts using building blocks so that you don't need to know the SSML syntax while still getting the sound you want. Liam has created this so he can create tutorials and talks without having to record and rerecord the audio over and over.

Liam Raper's personal website

Liam created the NuGet package for the SQRL login system that can be used by any site. SQRLForNet is the middleware for implementing SQRL into your Core solution. We offer a fully protocol complaint server-side solution with a high degree of customisation. The goal is to enable any and all Core sites to have a SQRL login for there customers. For more details on SQRL or SQRLForNet please follow the links below.

Liam Raper's personal website

Liam has hand crafted every bit of this website you are using right now. The website was created using a model first, API driven process with many generic techniques used to help speed up the development. Liam will be writing several blog posts about how this site was created. As these are written, links to them will be added here.

Liam Raper's personal website